During a high voltage connection test, continuity test the availability of a nominal connection between two points should be validated, a micron level high voltage testing solution like the Keysight B1500 paired with the a Micromanipulator Probe station verifies if the insulation of this connection meets the requirements. While a low voltage test is performed to detect a possible unwanted direct connection in order to avoid any further damage to the device under test.

There are several high voltage tests
A breakdown test determines the voltage value, from when the insulation of a cable or a component is not sufficient anymore and an arc ignites. Micron Probing has solutions up to 10kV.
The electric strength test validates if the insulation of a cable or a component resist a certain, programmed voltage (qualitative)—mostly by using AC voltage (see HV-AC test).
The insulation resistance test (insulation test) determines through multiple measurement methods the insulation resistance between two measurement points (quantitative)—mostly by using DC voltage (see HV-DC test)
To perform these tests to detect the risk for a breakdown, the electric strength and the isolation resistance, the test systems needs special generators that are able to provide high voltages.