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Scalable solutions for photonic integrated circuit testing

EHVA probe station

Test Stations

We provide fully automated, high-precision photonic testing robots on various scales, from single die to 300mm wafer.

  • Ultra-high throughput: up to thousands of chips a day

  • Modular, open and upgradable

  • Seamless integration with surrounding instruments

  • Unique 6-axis nanometer optical alignment for both surface and edge couplings

Software Suite

Our magic sauce. A unified platform for automation and data intelligence to support your scalable photonic testing and data-driven design. For real, and more.

  • Cloud-based solutions

  • Easy creation and implementation of complex tasks

  • Multi-user collaboration

  • Structured data generation and management

  • AI-assisted analysis

EHVA fiber attachment

Test Services

We offer extensive services for optical, electro-optic, and RF characterizations of photonic integrated circuits and systems, letting you focus on other work.

  • Support standard and custom measurements

  • SOI, SiN, III-V, LNOI etc.

  • Single die, multi-die, and wafer-scale

  • Full-dimensional optical characterization from O to L bands

  • 67-GHz RF characterization

  • Other ideas? Let's talk

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